Circa Press – Alejandra Guerrero’s Book “Wicked Women”

Original price was: £50.00.Current price is: £25.00.


Introduction by Violet Blue

With Wicked Women, Ale­jan­dra Guer­rero takes us to an erot­ic image world con­struct­ed entire­ly from a female per­spec­tive. Guer­rero was raised in Bogotá, Colom­bia, in a con­ser­v­a­tive soci­ety whose sex­u­al repres­sion only served to encour­age her curios­i­ty, and height­en a desire that would even­tu­al­ly be sat­is­fied in the under­ground com­mu­ni­ties of the Unit­ed States. There she found her­self among like-mind­ed peo­ple who expressed their sex­u­al­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty instinc­tu­al­ly. Through Guerrero’s lens, we glimpse strong, inde­pen­dent women explor­ing fash­ion, fetishism and role-play. They exude con­fi­dence and style, and delight in their trans­gres­sions. Occa­sion­al­ly, when Guer­rero turns the lens upon her­self, those depic­tions are confessional.

‘I like to depict pow­er­ful women, to cap­ture the spir­it of the dom­i­na­trix … and through my work I aim to explore the part of my per­son­al­i­ty that enjoys teas­ing and provo­ca­tion.’ – Ale­jan­dra Guerrero

Vio­let Blue is one of the world’s lead­ing writ­ers and com­men­ta­tors on female sex­u­al­i­ty, and main­tains one of the most influ­en­tial sex blogs on the Inter­net. Forbes named her one of The Web Celeb 25, and the Lon­don Times iden­ti­fied her as one of ​‘40 blog­gers who real­ly count.’

26 × 30cm
10 ¼ × 11 ¾ in
Approx. 90 colour and b&w photographs

4 in stock

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