Circa Press – Steve Diet Goedde’S Book “Extempore”

Original price was: $56.62.Current price is: $28.31.


Introduction by Andi Cam­pognone

Steve Diet Goedde’s pho­tographs are con­cerned with fetishism, but they could rea­son­ably be regard­ed as fash­ion pho­tographs, for they are about clothes and the roles that dress­ing impos­es on women, or allows them to play. Indeed Goed­de has con­sis­tent­ly reject­ed the visu­al stereo­types of ​‘fetish’ pho­tog­ra­phy. Instead he sets out to seduce and amuse, exper­i­ment­ing with humour, irony and ele­ments of the sur­re­al. Extem­pore brings togeth­er images that rep­re­sent stolen moments, or glimpses behind the scenes, when the mod­els are not nec­es­sar­i­ly aware of the cam­era. Most of Goedde’s mod­els are drawn from his close cir­cle of friends and in these pho­tographs par­tic­u­lar­ly one sens­es a shared trust and understanding.

Inspired by the work of Alfred Hitch­cock and Stan­ley Kubrick, Steve Diet Goedde’s first instinct was to become a film­mak­er. Only slow­ly did his atten­tion turn to pho­tog­ra­phy. His first book, The Beau­ty of Fetish (1998), brought him crit­i­cal acclaim and a loy­al fol­low­ing, both of which he has enjoyed ever since.

Andi Cam­pognone is the direc­tor of AC Projects, which pro­motes the arts and cul­ture in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. She is also the muse­um cura­tor for the City of Lan­cast­er, on the board of the Lan­cast­er Muse­um and Pub­lic Art Foun­da­tion, and a mem­ber of ArtTable.

30 × 26cm
11 ¾ × 10 ¼ in
Approx. 100 colour and b&w photographs

2 in stock

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